I hand-coded my first website in 1994. (Yes, you read that correctly: 1994.) Twenty years and a few false starts later, I’m incredibly proud to announce that I finally have a real composer’s website to call my very own. Shout-outs …more »

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I hand-coded my first website in 1994. (Yes, you read that correctly: 1994.) Twenty years and a few false starts later, I’m incredibly proud to announce that I finally have a real composer’s website to call my very own. Shout-outs …more »
Settings of love poetry by the great Ukrainian poet Олександер Олесъ.
Commissioned by PNME as part of its 30th Anniversary season, Drunken Moon is a companion piece — a Prologue, of sorts — for Arnold Schoenberg’s seminal masterpiece, Pierrot Lunaire.
A setting for soprano, clarinet, and piano of the poem by Dana Gioia. The third and final song in the Three Portraits cycle.
A monodrama for narrator and ensemble.